Our Team

Carla Loftus, RN, MN, GNC(C)

Mavis Afriyie-Boateng, RN, MN

Ms. Afriyie-Boateng is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Ryerson University and received additional training in Psychiatric Nursing from St. Michael’s. She previously worked as a Nurse Clinician in an inpatient psychiatric unit in an Academic Health Science Centre in Toronto. She received her Master in Nursing from the University of Toronto and is trained in delivering workshops on Compassion Fatigue in the workplace and Gentle Persuasive Approaches in Dementia Care.

Dr. Deanna Chaukos, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Deanna Chaukos, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Chaukos is a Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist at Mount Sinai Hospital and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is the wellness lead for the University of Toronto Psychiatry Residency Program. She has prior experience working to implement wellbeing initiatives in diverse residency training settings, and has conducted research on trainee resilience. She completed her residency training at Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and McLean hospital, and fellowship in consultation psychiatry at MGH.

Carla Loftus, RN, MN, GNC(C)

Carla Loftus, RN, MN, GNC(C)

Ms. Loftus is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital and holds an adjunct clinical appointment at the Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing in the University of Toronto. She received her Master in Nursing from the University of Toronto. She has previously worked as a Geriatric Emergency Management Clinical Nurse in the emergency department and also as a staff nurse in General Medicine.

Carla Loftus, RN, MN, GNC(C)

Dr. Lesley Wiesenfeld, MD, MHCM, FRCPC

Dr. Wiesenfeld is the Chief of Psychiatry and a Geriatric Psychiatrist at Sinai Health System, which includes Mount Sinai Hospital. In addition to her training in Geriatric Psychiatry, she is also trained in Health Care Management and regularly presents on bringing quality improvement tools to the care of the elderly and mentally ill. She has been an invited speaker in several academic conferences and has been recognized by the University of Toronto and American Psychiatric Association for excellence in medical education and program development.